Delivery to: Prefecture of Thessaloniki

Euphorbia in wicker basket

Availability: Available

Euphorbia trigona -95 cm tall- in a wicker basket.

Euphorbia trigona is an upright growing perennial succulent.

Although it looks like a cactus , it puts out leaves, unlike cacti which do not. Its name is taken from the shape of its trunk.

The colour of its leaves is dark green and lighter green at the edges. euphorbia trigona prefers sunny positions throughout the day so it is best to place them outdoors or indoors with plenty of light (near windows, balcony doors, etc.)

In euphorbia species the temperature should not fall below 10 °C so it is advisable in the winter months if it is not possible to place them indoors, they should be protected from the cold.

49,00 €
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