XL Strelitzia (2m)
Strelitzia plant 1.80m-2.10m tall in white luxury pot.
The strelitzia (strelitzia or sterlitia as some call it) is an evergreen ornamental plant that stands out for its impressive orange-blue flowers that resemble the beak of a bird of paradise.
Originating from South Africa, the streellicia is characterised by slow growth, reaching a height of two metres with its large and narrow green, oval-shaped leaves with very long stems.
The strelicia blooms in summer and autumn, and its flowers can be kept in a vase for up to a month after cutting.
It is basically an indoor plant in the Greek climate but can also be kept on a balcony with southern exposure where if it grows it will give us many flowers.
Sterliccia has moderate watering requirements and needs to be watered once a week during the spring and autumn season, and twice a week during the summer season.